Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Initiatives

Environmental Principles and Code of Conduct

Environmental Principles

Katayama Seiyakusyo views environmental preservation as one of our key responsibilities to society. Throughout our work, from research and manufacturing to sales, our management and employees are united in making Katayama Seiyakusyo "a company standing tall in the community."

Code of Conduct

  1. We will pursue further action to prevent air, water, and soil pollution, while of course complying with environmental laws and regulations.
  2. In consultation with clients, we will also undertake the 3Rs of resources:

    ReduceBy improving productivity through process improvements and review of production planning, we will work to reduce the resources we use and the wastes we generate.

    ReuseThrough reuse, we will work to reduce our usage of solvents and thereby reduce the liquid wastes we generate.

    RecycleWe will make all possible efforts to use liquid wastes as resources.

  3. We will direct our efforts toward energy conservation and strive to reduce our CO2 emissions.

Environmental, Health, and Safety Management

We maintain EHS committees at both the Hirakata and Toyama facilities. These committees work with our company-wide system to implement measures to prevent occupational accidents, ensure worker safety and health, create comfortable working environments, and to prevent any negative impacts on the local and global environments.

Reduction of energy consumption

Companies have an important social responsibility to do their part to mitigate the impact of climate change, as reflected in the SDG of "to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts." We are taking steps to reduce the amount of energy our operations consume to help stop global warming.

Human Resource Initiatives

We believe that creating an environment where employees with diverse backgrounds can fulfill their potential is an important element in our ability to achieve sustainable growth.
We are reducing long working hours and encouraging employees to fully use their paid time off as part of our efforts to create a work environment where employees can be active and enjoy a healthy work-life balance.

Related data

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Average monthly overtime hours worked 10hours 11minutes 9hours 5minutes 7hours 54minutes 9hours 7minutes 9hours 5minutes
Average paid time off used 11.6days 11.5days 12.3days 13.8days 15.5days
Number of employees eligible for childcare leave Female 1 3 1 2 0
Male 4 4 3 1 2
Number of employees who have taken childcare leave Female 1 3 1 2 0
Male 0 0 1 0 2
Childcare leave rate Female 100% 100% 100% 100% -
Male 0% 0% 33.3% 0% 100%
You can scroll horizontally to see it.

Human Rights Initiatives

The Sakai Chemical Group Human Rights Policy

The Sakai Chemical Group has been engaged in businesses that have contributed to people's safe and healthy lifestyles since its foundation. Sakai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., the core company, expresses the aspirations of the Sakai Chemical Group towards people through its management philosophy "Creating a Friendly Future through Chemicals." To realize this philosophy, we believe it is important to respect the human rights of relevant stakeholders in all countries and regions in which we conduct our activities. This Human Rights Policy promises that the Sakai Chemical Group will fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights based on its management philosophy and international norms.


The Sakai Chemical Group Basic Procurement Policy and Responsible Mineral Procurement Policy